Selasa, 21 April 2015

Sistem Bilangan Desimal

Mungkin sudah sedikit orang yang tidak mengenal bilangan Decimal.
Desimal sendiri adalah bilangan bebasis 10, yaitu 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, dan 9.
Sistem Bilangan Desimal
Desimal sering juga disingkat dengan dec.
Bilangan ini adalah bilangan yang paling mudah digunakan manusia dan Angkanya merupakan hasil pengembangan dari Angka Arab.

Bilangan desimal diciptakan oleh Ghiyath al-Din Jamshid Mas’ud al-Kashani atau Al-Kashi.
 Ghiyath al-Din Jamshid Mas’ud al-Kashani, penemu bilangan desimal
Jamshid al-Kashi merupakan salah seorang matematikus masyhur di dunia Islam. Ia adalah seorang saintis yang mengembangkan matematika dan astronomi pada zaman kejayaan Dinasti Timurid, di Samarkand abad ke-14 M. Ia berjasa mengembangkan ilmu matematika dan astronomi dengan sederet penemuannya.

Pecahan desimal yang digunakan oleh orang-orang Cina pada zaman kuno selama berabad-abad, sebenarnya merupakan pecahan desimal yang diciptakan oleh al-Kashi. Pecahan desimal ini merupakan salah satu karya besarnya yang memudahkan untuk menghitung aritmatika yang dia bahas dalam karyanya yang berjudul Kunci Aritmatika yang diterbitkan pada awal abad ke-15 di Samarkand.

Ciri sistem bilangan desimal adalah adanya tambahan subskrip dec atau 10.
Contoh: 123dec = 12310.

25510 merupakan nilai maksimal berbentuk desimal yang dapat tersimpan dalam 1 byte.

Desimal sangat digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari terutama untuk menghitung.
Dalam komputer, bilangan desimal juga dapat digunakan menjadi kode warna bernama DECIMAL RGB.
Decimal RGB Code 
cara pengunaanya dalam pemograman biasanya: rgb (R,G,B) . yang R, G, dan B merupakan angka
Mengubah DECIMAL RGB kedalam HEX HTML.
Cara untuk mengubah DECIMAL RGB kedalam HEX HTML caranya cukup rumit.
Digunakan rumus RGB = (R*65536)+(G*256)+B , (dimana R adalah Merah(RED), G adalah Hijau(GREEN) dan B adalah Biru(BLUE)).
Setelah itu harus dilakukan operasi modulus pembagian 16 hingga hasil tidak dapat dibagi 16 lagi.(Disarankan pake kalkulator, tapi kalo mau manual greget mode tuh)
Tabel Desimal, Biner, Oktal, Heksadesimal, dan HTML. Sampai nilai maksimal 1 byte:
DEC OCT HEX BINARY Symbol HTML Number HTML Name Description
0000000000 0000NUL
Null char
1001010000 0001SOH
Start of Heading
2002020000 0010STX
Start of Text
3003030000 0011ETX
End of Text
4004040000 0100EOT
End of Transmission
5005050000 0101ENQ
6006060000 0110ACK
7007070000 0111BEL
8010080000 1000BS
Back Space
9011090000 1001HT  Horizontal Tab
100120A0000 1010LF
Line Feed
110130B0000 1011VT
Vertical Tab
120140C0000 1100FF
Form Feed
130150D0000 1101CR
Carriage Return
140160E0000 1110SO
Shift Out / X-On
150170F0000 1111SI
Shift In / X-Off
16020100001 0000DLE
Data Line Escape
17021110001 0001DC1
Device Control 1 (oft. XON)
18022120001 0010DC2
Device Control 2
19023130001 0011DC3
Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)
20024140001 0100DC4
Device Control 4
21025150001 0101NAK
Negative Acknowledgement
22026160001 0110SYN
Synchronous Idle
23027170001 0111ETB
End of Transmit Block
24030180001 1000CAN
25031190001 1001EM
End of Medium
260321A0001 1010SUB
270331B0001 1011ESC
280341C0001 1100FS
File Separator
290351D0001 1101GS
Group Separator
300361E0001 1110RS
Record Separator
310371F0001 1111US
Unit Separator
32040200010 0000

33041210010 0001!!
Exclamation mark
34042220010 0010"""Double quotes (or speech marks)
35043230010 0011##
36044240010 0100$$
37045250010 0101%%
38046260010 0110&&&Ampersand
39047270010 0111''
Single quote
40050280010 1000((
Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
41051290010 1001))
Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
420522A0010 1010**
430532B0010 1011++
440542C0010 1100,,
450552D0010 1101--
460562E0010 1110..
Period, dot or full stop
470572F0010 1111//
Slash or divide
48060300011 000000
49061310011 000111
50062320011 001022
51063330011 001133
52064340011 010044
53065350011 010155
54066360011 011066
55067370011 011177
56070380011 100088
57071390011 100199
580723A0011 1010::
590733B0011 1011;;
600743C0011 1100<<<Less than (or open angled bracket)
610753D0011 1101==
620763E0011 1110>>>Greater than (or close angled bracket)
630773F0011 1111??
Question mark
64100400100 0000@@
At symbol
65101410100 0001AA
Uppercase A
66102420100 0010BB
Uppercase B
67103430100 0011CC
Uppercase C
68104440100 0100DD
Uppercase D
69105450100 0101EE
Uppercase E
70106460100 0110FF
Uppercase F
71107470100 0111GG
Uppercase G
72110480100 1000HH
Uppercase H
73111490100 1001II
Uppercase I
741124A0100 1010JJ
Uppercase J
751134B0100 1011KK
Uppercase K
761144C0100 1100LL
Uppercase L
771154D0100 1101MM
Uppercase M
781164E0100 1110NN
Uppercase N
791174F0100 1111OO
Uppercase O
80120500101 0000PP
Uppercase P
81121510101 0001QQ
Uppercase Q
82122520101 0010RR
Uppercase R
83123530101 0011SS
Uppercase S
84124540101 0100TT
Uppercase T
85125550101 0101UU
Uppercase U
86126560101 0110VV
Uppercase V
87127570101 0111WW
Uppercase W
88130580101 1000XX
Uppercase X
89131590101 1001YY
Uppercase Y
901325A0101 1010ZZ
Uppercase Z
911335B0101 1011[[
Opening bracket
921345C0101 1100\\
931355D0101 1101]]
Closing bracket
941365E0101 1110^^
Caret - circumflex
951375F0101 1111__
96140600110 0000``
Grave accent
97141610110 0001aa
Lowercase a
98142620110 0010bb
Lowercase b
99143630110 0011cc
Lowercase c
100144640110 0100dd
Lowercase d
101145650110 0101ee
Lowercase e
102146660110 0110ff
Lowercase f
103147670110 0111gg
Lowercase g
104150680110 1000hh
Lowercase h
105151690110 1001ii
Lowercase i
1061526A0110 1010jj
Lowercase j
1071536B0110 1011kk
Lowercase k
1081546C0110 1100ll
Lowercase l
1091556D0110 1101mm
Lowercase m
1101566E0110 1110nn
Lowercase n
1111576F0110 1111oo
Lowercase o
112160700111 0000pp
Lowercase p
113161710111 0001qq
Lowercase q
114162720111 0010rr
Lowercase r
115163730111 0011ss
Lowercase s
116164740111 0100tt
Lowercase t
117165750111 0101uu
Lowercase u
118166760111 0110vv
Lowercase v
119167770111 0111ww
Lowercase w
120170780111 1000xx
Lowercase x
121171790111 1001yy
Lowercase y
1221727A0111 1010zz
Lowercase z
1231737B0111 1011{{
Opening brace
1241747C0111 1100||
Vertical bar
1251757D0111 1101}}
Closing brace
1261767E0111 1110~~
Equivalency sign - tilde
1271777F0111 1111

128200801000 0000Euro sign
129201811000 0001

130202821000 0010Single low-9 quotation mark
131203831000 0011ƒƒƒLatin small letter f with hook
132204841000 0100Double low-9 quotation mark
133205851000 0101Horizontal ellipsis
134206861000 0110Dagger
135207871000 0111Double dagger
136210881000 1000ˆˆˆModifier letter circumflex accent
137211891000 1001Per mille sign
1382128A1000 1010ŠŠŠLatin capital letter S with caron
1392138B1000 1011Single left-pointing angle quotation
1402148C1000 1100ŒŒŒLatin capital ligature OE
1412158D1000 1101

1422168E1000 1110ŽŽ
Latin captial letter Z with caron
1432178F1000 1111

144220901001 0000

145221911001 0001Left single quotation mark
146222921001 0010Right single quotation mark
147223931001 0011Left double quotation mark
148224941001 0100Right double quotation mark
149225951001 0101Bullet
150226961001 0110En dash
151227971001 0111Em dash
152230981001 1000˜˜˜Small tilde
153231991001 1001Trade mark sign
1542329A1001 1010šššLatin small letter S with caron
1552339B1001 1011Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
1562349C1001 1100œœœLatin small ligature oe
1572359D1001 1101

1582369E1001 1110žž
Latin small letter z with caron
1592379F1001 1111ŸŸÿLatin capital letter Y with diaeresis
160240A01010 0000
Non-breaking space
161241A11010 0001¡¡¡Inverted exclamation mark
162242A21010 0010¢¢¢Cent sign
163243A31010 0011£££Pound sign
164244A41010 0100¤¤¤Currency sign
165245A51010 0101¥¥¥Yen sign
166246A61010 0110¦¦¦Pipe, Broken vertical bar
167247A71010 0111§§§Section sign
168250A81010 1000¨¨¨Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169251A91010 1001©©©Copyright sign
170252AA1010 1010ªªªFeminine ordinal indicator
171253AB1010 1011«««Left double angle quotes
172254AC1010 1100¬¬¬Not sign
173255AD1010 1101
­­Soft hyphen
174256AE1010 1110®®®Registered trade mark sign
175257AF1010 1111¯¯¯Spacing macron - overline
176260B01011 0000°°°Degree sign
177261B11011 0001±±±Plus-or-minus sign
178262B21011 0010²²²Superscript two - squared
179263B31011 0011³³³Superscript three - cubed
180264B41011 0100´´´Acute accent - spacing acute
181265B51011 0101µµµMicro sign
182266B61011 0110Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183267B71011 0111···Middle dot - Georgian comma
184270B81011 1000¸¸¸Spacing cedilla
185271B91011 1001¹¹¹Superscript one
186272BA1011 1010ºººMasculine ordinal indicator
187273BB1011 1011 »»»Right double angle quotes
188274BC1011 1100¼¼¼Fraction one quarter
189275BD1011 1101½½½Fraction one half
190276BE1011 1110¾¾¾Fraction three quarters
191277BF1011 1111¿¿¿Inverted question mark
192300C01100 0000ÀÀÀLatin capital letter A with grave
193301C11100 0001ÁÁÁLatin capital letter A with acute
194302C21100 0010ÂÂÂLatin capital letter A with circumflex
195303C31100 0011ÃÃÃLatin capital letter A with tilde
196304C41100 0100ÄÄÄLatin capital letter A with diaeresis
197305C51100 0101ÅÅÅLatin capital letter A with ring above
198306C61100 0110ÆÆÆLatin capital letter AE
199307C71100 0111ÇÇÇLatin capital letter C with cedilla
200310C81100 1000ÈÈÈLatin capital letter E with grave
201311C91100 1001ÉÉÉLatin capital letter E with acute
202312CA1100 1010ÊÊÊLatin capital letter E with circumflex
203313CB1100 1011ËËËLatin capital letter E with diaeresis
204314CC1100 1100ÌÌÌLatin capital letter I with grave
205315CD1100 1101ÍÍÍLatin capital letter I with acute
206316CE1100 1110ÎÎÎLatin capital letter I with circumflex
207317CF1100 1111ÏÏÏLatin capital letter I with diaeresis
208320D01101 0000ÐÐÐLatin capital letter ETH
209321D11101 0001ÑÑÑLatin capital letter N with tilde
210322D21101 0010ÒÒÒLatin capital letter O with grave
211323D31101 0011ÓÓÓLatin capital letter O with acute
212324D41101 0100ÔÔÔLatin capital letter O with circumflex
213325D51101 0101ÕÕÕLatin capital letter O with tilde
214326D61101 0110ÖÖÖLatin capital letter O with diaeresis
215327D71101 0111×××Multiplication sign
216330D81101 1000ØØØLatin capital letter O with slash
217331D91101 1001ÙÙÙLatin capital letter U with grave
218332DA1101 1010ÚÚÚLatin capital letter U with acute
219333DB1101 1011ÛÛÛLatin capital letter U with circumflex
220334DC1101 1100ÜÜÜLatin capital letter U with diaeresis
221335DD1101 1101ÝÝÝLatin capital letter Y with acute
222336DE1101 1110ÞÞÞLatin capital letter THORN
223337DF1101 1111ßßßLatin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224340E01110 0000àààLatin small letter a with grave
225341E11110 0001áááLatin small letter a with acute
226342E21110 0010âââLatin small letter a with circumflex
227343E31110 0011ãããLatin small letter a with tilde
228344E41110 0100äääLatin small letter a with diaeresis
229345E51110 0101åååLatin small letter a with ring above
230346E61110 0110æææLatin small letter ae
231347E71110 0111çççLatin small letter c with cedilla
232350E81110 1000èèèLatin small letter e with grave
233351E91110 1001éééLatin small letter e with acute
234352EA1110 1010êêêLatin small letter e with circumflex
235353EB1110 1011ëëëLatin small letter e with diaeresis
236354EC1110 1100ìììLatin small letter i with grave
237355ED1110 1101íííLatin small letter i with acute
238356EE1110 1110îîîLatin small letter i with circumflex
239357EF1110 1111ïïïLatin small letter i with diaeresis
240360F01111 0000ðððLatin small letter eth
241361F11111 0001ñññLatin small letter n with tilde
242362F21111 0010òòòLatin small letter o with grave
243363F31111 0011óóóLatin small letter o with acute
244364F41111 0100ôôôLatin small letter o with circumflex
245365F51111 0101õõõLatin small letter o with tilde
246366F61111 0110öööLatin small letter o with diaeresis
247367F71111 0111 ÷÷÷Division sign
248370F81111 1000øøøLatin small letter o with slash
249371F91111 1001ùùùLatin small letter u with grave
250372FA1111 1010úúúLatin small letter u with acute
251373FB1111 1011ûûûLatin small letter u with circumflex
252374FC1111 1100üüüLatin small letter u with diaeresis
253375FD1111 1101ýýýLatin small letter y with acute
254376FE1111 1110þþþLatin small letter thorn
255377FF1111 1111ÿÿÿLatin small letter y with diaeresis

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